Past Life Regression - Fact or Fiction?
Does Past Life Regression (PLR) has any scientific base?
Frankly speaking I am not sure of the answer. I am not sure if there is a past life or it is an imaginative state of the person. But with the experience, I have seen people coming out of their issues after undergoing PLR sessions. To that tune, I can say that whether it's a fact or fiction, it has worked for them. And that's what matters to me. I never suggest PLR session to any client, unless the client seeks it himself.
Past Life Regression- Reliving is relieving.
Jay came to me for regression sessions as he was traumatized by his brother's behavior. He could not understand why his brother always ill-treated him. He could not understand why his brother had suppressed him since childhood. So much so, that he literally had to take permission from his brother for whatever he wanted to do, to the extent that Jay's brother even decided on the career that Jay was to pursue.When taken to a 'past-life' Jay saw that he had been a supervisor in a coal mine and had been very rude to the workers who were under his charge. He forced them to do rigorous work while he himself just looked on. In that life time, after an argument and in a fit of rage he had killed a worker by pushing him from a height. This worker is his own brother in this life time.Only when he saw the past, the 'Why me?' was resolved. He understood why his brother was dominating his life. The regression session helped Jay to forgive his brother.
Many of us have this 'Why me?' in our life. Many of us are victimized by others. But we must remember that relationships help us ascend, spiritually…through the lessons we learn. Not knowing our past is like picking up a book and reading it from the middle. It gives us an incomplete picture and does not make complete sense. Regression is going back to know why things happen. . .why we or certain people behave in a particular way….why certain things happen to us, or to others. Its like reading the book from the beginning. It helps us see the bigger picture.
Reincarnation and Past-Life-Regression are not modern concepts. People have believed in reincarnation since ancient times. There have been numerous techniques used to explore past lives since prehistoric times. There is sufficient evidence to show that the Ancient Hindus, Greeks, the Egyptians, the Tibetans, and the Hebrew Cabalists etc. used Past-Life Remembrance. There is a lot of research on the subject since the past sixty years and parapsychologists' from all over the world have proved the therapeutic use of past-life recall.
You can read various books written by Dr Brian Weiss on this subject.
We are a sum total of all that we have been in the past, every experience, thought & emotion! We reincarnate to learn lessons like love, compassion and forgiveness etc; to teach the lessons we learn; and to enjoy ourselves. We are spiritual beings on a human experience and not human beings on a spiritual experience as we commonly understand.
Before we reincarnate we choose the circumstances, parents, social conditions, personality, etc. The persons going through regression sessions will perceive the past life experiences through different modes. It could be in the form of visual images; kinesthetic i.e. with sensations in the body; auditory i.e. by hearing sounds; emotional charge; or merely by acquiring knowledge, talents, abilities, skills etc.Reincarnation is merely changing the body.
We do not learn the lessons when we are in this earthly experience and get struck in the wheel of karma. In Sanskrit, the word Karma means Action. The law of Karma states 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. Contrary to popular belief Karma is neither good or bad; nor is it a reward or a punishment system. Also it is not something over which we have no control. In fact, Karma makes us realize that we are all one. It plays an important role in the spiritual growth of the soul which in turn leads to the soul's overall evolution. Our spiritual progress depends on our ability to come out of the karmic cycles that we are in. This can happen through learning and understanding the lessons in each karmic cycle. The dynamics of karma help us to keep learning and progressing through actions by us in each life time. We keep reincarnating till we have completed all our karmic cycles.
Strong emotions like love, grief, laughter, joy, anger, hatred, jealousy, sorrow, pain are experienced during past-life recall.During the process of Past-life-regression, the subject goes to the root cause of his issues. It takes the subject back in time and retrieves memories of the past-lives. These memories are not accessible during normal waking consciousness. Past-life-regression helps us to explore past-lives and retrieve the energies of those lives. It brings a person in touch with his larger reality and helps in achieving a clear understanding of the cause of his problem while simultaneously enabling to eliminate it at the source.
By exploring our past-lives, we can find solutions for the troubles that we face in the present life. Past-life regression helps to heal issues related to emotional, mental and physical plights. It facilitates the healing of chronic diseases through the understanding of karmic patterns and the removal of blockages.
This is a holistic healing technique that works on the body, mind and soul.
You can read various books written by Dr Brian Weiss on this subject.
We are a sum total of all that we have been in the past, every experience, thought & emotion! We reincarnate to learn lessons like love, compassion and forgiveness etc; to teach the lessons we learn; and to enjoy ourselves. We are spiritual beings on a human experience and not human beings on a spiritual experience as we commonly understand.
Before we reincarnate we choose the circumstances, parents, social conditions, personality, etc. The persons going through regression sessions will perceive the past life experiences through different modes. It could be in the form of visual images; kinesthetic i.e. with sensations in the body; auditory i.e. by hearing sounds; emotional charge; or merely by acquiring knowledge, talents, abilities, skills etc.Reincarnation is merely changing the body.
We do not learn the lessons when we are in this earthly experience and get struck in the wheel of karma. In Sanskrit, the word Karma means Action. The law of Karma states 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. Contrary to popular belief Karma is neither good or bad; nor is it a reward or a punishment system. Also it is not something over which we have no control. In fact, Karma makes us realize that we are all one. It plays an important role in the spiritual growth of the soul which in turn leads to the soul's overall evolution. Our spiritual progress depends on our ability to come out of the karmic cycles that we are in. This can happen through learning and understanding the lessons in each karmic cycle. The dynamics of karma help us to keep learning and progressing through actions by us in each life time. We keep reincarnating till we have completed all our karmic cycles.
Strong emotions like love, grief, laughter, joy, anger, hatred, jealousy, sorrow, pain are experienced during past-life recall.During the process of Past-life-regression, the subject goes to the root cause of his issues. It takes the subject back in time and retrieves memories of the past-lives. These memories are not accessible during normal waking consciousness. Past-life-regression helps us to explore past-lives and retrieve the energies of those lives. It brings a person in touch with his larger reality and helps in achieving a clear understanding of the cause of his problem while simultaneously enabling to eliminate it at the source.
By exploring our past-lives, we can find solutions for the troubles that we face in the present life. Past-life regression helps to heal issues related to emotional, mental and physical plights. It facilitates the healing of chronic diseases through the understanding of karmic patterns and the removal of blockages.
This is a holistic healing technique that works on the body, mind and soul.
A traumatic event or death is associated with predominant emotions of helplessness, powerlessness, fear, etc. The memories of distressing experiences of the earlier bodies remain intact and are transferred on to the new body when the soul incarnates. These negative emotions are stored in the sub-conscious mind which can be accessed during healing sessions.
Past-life regression releases us from all kinds of fears and phobias by understanding their specific causes which many-a-times are rooted in a previous life time. Past-life recall frees us totally from the fear of death and gives a great insight into our material lives.Past-life-regression helps to improve inter-personal relationships, which puts an end to incomprehensible clashes and friction, freeing us from the 'WHY ME!' struggle. Past-life-regression sessions focused on relationships, help the subject to unconditionally forgive, let-go, accept and love the other person. This heals the relationship.
Past-life regression is also instrumental in retrieving talents and abilities from earlier life times. It helps us to know the purpose of our life.
Past-life recall aids in resolving these negative core beliefs, jinxed and hard luck cases.
Past-life recall helps us connect to our masters and guides which enables us to receive messages and healing too. In addition, Past-life regression facilitates us to meet our loved ones who have left the body. It also permits us to do future progression and to re-script the future to make it better.
Neha, a little twelve year old girl who still bed-wetted saw in a past-life session that she was gripped by intense fear one night when dacoits entered her house and killed her parents. The dacoits then turned towards her and the last thought before she died was that of helpless and not being able to control the situation. The mere understanding that she thus died but still existed helped her to release the fear in a deeper level and is now released of her issue.
Past-life regression releases us from all kinds of fears and phobias by understanding their specific causes which many-a-times are rooted in a previous life time. Past-life recall frees us totally from the fear of death and gives a great insight into our material lives.Past-life-regression helps to improve inter-personal relationships, which puts an end to incomprehensible clashes and friction, freeing us from the 'WHY ME!' struggle. Past-life-regression sessions focused on relationships, help the subject to unconditionally forgive, let-go, accept and love the other person. This heals the relationship.
Past-life regression is also instrumental in retrieving talents and abilities from earlier life times. It helps us to know the purpose of our life.
Past-life recall aids in resolving these negative core beliefs, jinxed and hard luck cases.
Past-life recall helps us connect to our masters and guides which enables us to receive messages and healing too. In addition, Past-life regression facilitates us to meet our loved ones who have left the body. It also permits us to do future progression and to re-script the future to make it better.
Neha, a little twelve year old girl who still bed-wetted saw in a past-life session that she was gripped by intense fear one night when dacoits entered her house and killed her parents. The dacoits then turned towards her and the last thought before she died was that of helpless and not being able to control the situation. The mere understanding that she thus died but still existed helped her to release the fear in a deeper level and is now released of her issue.
'Just the belief in reincarnation has the power to awaken the memories of our past –lives!'
Please do not use Past Life Regression therapy to replace or interfere with medical treatment that you may be in the process of. It may be used, as a complementary healing method, to gain insight into deeper aspects of the self that may not be addressed in medical counseling.
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